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How long does it take to secure a divorce in Indiana?

On Behalf of | Jan 30, 2024 | Uncategorized

Deciding to divorce can be a very slow process or can occur in an instant. People may uncover surprising information about their spouses, like evidence of an extramarital affair, that makes them realize their marriage is already over. Other times, they may slowly contemplate divorce for many months or even years while trying to make the marriage work.

Once someone makes the decision to divorce, they typically want to move forward as quickly as possible. The idea of being in legal and relationship limbo for months is an uncomfortable one. How long does it typically take for couples in Indiana to divorce?

Uncontested divorces may take a few months

The fastest and most efficient Indiana divorce is an uncontested divorce. The spouses agree to specific terms and submit paperwork to the courts outlining those agreements. They do not need to have a judge learn about the family’s circumstances or apply state law to major decisions in their case.

They simply need to complete a statutory waiting period of 60 days after one spouse files the initial paperwork. In some cases, it may take just over two months to go from filing the documents to finalizing the divorce. Most families, however, can anticipate a process that requires at least six months to complete due to court delays and other considerations.

Contested divorces often take longer

Reaching an agreement about property division and other divorce concerns may be more challenging than people initially anticipate. Quite a few spouses find themselves waiting months for a chance to sit down with a mediator or present their case to an Indiana family law judge. Those who can’t settle their disagreements may need to proceed with a contested or litigated divorce.

Litigated divorces can potentially take a year or longer to complete depending on the jurisdiction where people file and other unique details. However, if they are able to reach an agreement during that time, it may be possible to convert litigated divorce proceedings to uncontested divorces.

Understanding the rules that apply to uncontested and litigated Indiana divorces may benefit those trying to manage the logistics of an upcoming divorce as efficiently as possible.

