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Serious Advocacy In Tough Cases

What Can I Do If I Was Wrongfully Charged With a Crime?

On Behalf of | Apr 26, 2022 | Firm News

Learning of charges against you can be an emotional time — especially if you believe you are being wrongly charged. You may feel the odds are stacked against you as you prepare to face these charges. Our Indianapolis criminal defense attorneys at Harwell Gray Legal Counsel LLC share what you should do if you believe you are being wrongfully charged with a crime.

Retain Representation

One key to successfully fighting wrong charges is to be proactive and find a criminal defense attorney that you trust as soon as you can after you are notified of the charges. If you or a loved one has retained a criminal defense attorney in the past and you like their approach, set up a consultation with them. If you do not have prior experience with criminal defense attorneys, do some quick research and find a few attorneys in your area. You can then set up consultations to help you decide which legal team will be the best in your fight for freedom and that you believe you can fully trust.

Listen to the Guidance of Your Attorney

Once you have retained your criminal defense team, you should trust your attorney to take the right approach to your case. When working on your case, cooperate with the team for whatever they need, which can often be statements, your account of the day or alibi, determining character witnesses, or even preparing for your court hearing with your wardrobe or body language.

In the lead-up to your case, your attorney may prepare you with things to do, such as getting off of social media or not posting about the charges online. They may also encourage you not to engage in any conversations about the crime or your charges unless your legal team approves and is present. With years of experience, your attorneys understand the challenges you may face in the lead-up to your case and want to help protect your best interests and optimal outcome, which makes it especially important to listen to your attorney’s guidance.

On the day of your hearing, your attorney may advise you on what to wear and how to carry yourself in court. Try to follow these guidelines closely, as this is part of your attorney’s strategy for your case.

Harwell Gray Legal Counsel LLC Criminal Defense Attorneys

Facing criminal charges can be an overwhelming experience, especially if you believe you are being wrongfully accused of these charges. Our criminal defense team is here to support you throughout your case and fight for your freedom.

Are you or a loved one being wrongfully charged with a crime? Schedule a consultation with our Indianapolis criminal defense attorneys today by calling 317-344-9085 or contacting us online.

